
Introducing the worlds FIRST profile agnostic social fitness network.

1 month, 2022
UXUI Researcher
Alan Boccadoro, Valery Moore, & I
Hypefive, created by Cristina de Leyvais, is the worlds first hybrid app- bringing together what we love most about fitness and social apps.


The Hypefive MVP is missing their exploration and saves pages. Additionally, it lacks the attachment aspects a user needs in order to form a positive relationship with an app, thus creative a positive consumer retention rate.


We restructured the apps flow and combined their "Recommendations" feed into their main feed as well as updated the MVP to bring it up to competitive standards.


Understanding the MVP

As we were the first designers to review the MVP, it was vital we did a thorough job to set the app up for success.

That said, we reviewed the MVP and tested it with an initial set of users to get a gage on how the current prototype is performing.


Users had trouble viewing content as well as navigating to the "Recommendations" page.


This page had users excited and mentioning how it would be helpful for workout inspiration.


While a free app is great, the current MVP did not allow for ways to implement monetization factors like sponsorships/ads which posses a questions as to how the company can sustain itself.
"How might we create a feed of relevant information and a repository of ideas so users can connect with their network to enhance their workout experiences?"


How can we stand out?
In conducting a C&C analysis with three fitness apps, we can understand what already existed and where there are gaps.We also took a look at a popular social media app and focused on the idea of a "Recommendations" & "Collections" page.


Hypefive started with seven personas, aiming to represent a diverse set of users.

However, based on our findings from research and interviews, we narrowed it down to two personas to represent each spectrum of the users. This would help our team stay agnostic, be able to visualize the gaps/problems and provide our client with a visual of the story we want to convey.


How can we design the Recommendations page?
Because users were unsure of the concept of a separate or blended recommendation feed, the initial move was to create a separate page, just like our client originally wanted. The results of this would also bring clarity as to whether or not the icon was intuitive.
It wasn't intuitive..
Users could not figure out how to get to the recommendations page as the icon was not intuitive. Additionally users were confused as to why there were two different feeds.

With this feedback, we designed and tested a new design- blended feeds and to conducted another set of usability testing.
We had a winner! 
After conducting a second round of user testing with new users and the combined feeds, results showed as much as 40% decrease in time for task completion.


How can we design to save?
Being able to personalize makes the user feel special and develope a level of attachment to the app. So, keeping the concept of information overload in mind, and our comparative analysis results, we decided to bring the collections up to competitive standards.


WCAG standards
Now that we had some mocks and had brought those up to WCAG standards while maintaining Hypefive's branding, we decided to take a look at the remaining pages of the app and provide recommended suggestions.

We chose to do this at the end in order to open up a discussion with the stakeholder and provide before and afters for further visual persuasion.


Blended main page


The new design seamlessly integrates recommended posts within the main feed containing friends posts.


Having one combined feed opens up opportunities for sponsored ad posts, similarly to social platforms like Instagram.


Plan ahead with ease
Collections page was created and allows users to organize their saves in their own way, fostering a positive attachment.



What went well

Usability testing of the initial prototype. This would help me not only understand the product better but also get a gage on what areas need to be improved.

What could have been improved

Mixing design softwares. Prior to this client, no one on our team used AdobeXD so this coupled with the timeline, we had to mix design softwares and while it was a overall smooth process, it was far from ideal.

What I learned

Empathy FIRST
Straying away from the client's original ask of building out a recommendations page was nerve-wracking. Still, it allowed me to practice being an empathetic designer and offering solutions that would not stray too far from the original UI.